Reduced price!

【IND】Firman Mini Traktor


New product

Normal Price:26600
Member Price:24800

The number of monthsNumber of periods
first term / Down paymentInstallmentTotal
2 months1397013970 x 1 month27940
3 months95409540 x 2 months28620
4 months73207320 x 3 months29280
5 Months59905990 x 4 months29950
6 Months51005100 x 5 Months30600
7 Months44704470 x 6 Months31290
8 Months39903990 x 7 Months31920
9 Months36303630 x 8 Months32670
10 Months33303330 x 9 Months33300
11 Months30903090 x 10 Months33990
12 Months28902890 x 11 Months34680