Guide of picking up from forward store
The goods will be delivered by courier to your address and pay by cash. |
step1: Please fill the order sheets |
When you are ordering, please choose cash on delivery, and fill the information with name, cellphone no, and please choose the delivering time. |
step2: Please upload the image of ARC or use the address filling function |
Please upload a picture which include your taiwanese address, such as picture of ARC, doorplate, envelope...etc. ● Press THE SAME: |
※ 『Preview your shipping address』it will display the address that you have filled out, make sure is correct. |
Your address has been recorded from your last purchase, next shopping, you can press 『Using previous address』, if you prefer to change the address, please press 『Change shipping address』. |
step3: Complete the order |
After filled out please press confirm your order, then you will get a confirmation message, please press URL on the message, it will connect to our website page and will be displayed order form establish it means your order is completed, next stage, our assistant will check your information and address, then deliver your parcel. |
step4: Couriers phone call and paying |
Before the goods delivered, the courier is going to contact you, to confirm that the goods can be delivered by the time he just call you, after the goods has arrived, please pay cash to the courier. |
Guide of picking up from forward store
超商取貨是將商品運送到您方便取貨的便利商站取貨付款服務。 我們提供『全家、OK、萊爾富』三家連鎖便利商店可選擇。 |
step1 填寫訂單 |
下單時,請選擇超商取貨付款,填寫訂購資訊姓名電話,勾選無法確定地址,並按下訂單確認,先將訂單上傳存檔。 |
step1 填寫訂單 |
下單時,請選擇超商取貨付款,並填寫訂購資訊姓名電話,勾選無法確定地址再按下訂單確認送出。參照以下步驟進行求助。 |
step2 到現場取得店號 |
請使用以下提供的圖片顯示給欲指定收貨的超商門市店員看,店員將會抄寫代號給您。 |
step2 加入我們的客服 | ||
以下三種通訊APP是馥華全球購物網(FORWARD GLOBAL MALL)所提供給您的聯繫管道,請點選您慣用的系統,將我們加為好友。 | ||
step3 到會員中心回填訂單 |
登入會員中心,找尋此筆訂單,按下修改訂單。 |
step3 拍攝欲指定超商地址 |
請拍攝欲指定收貨的超商門市地址門牌號碼或分店店名照片,照片請將路名號碼拍攝清楚。 |
step4 完成訂購 |
在門市代號欄內填入您取得的門市代號,按下訂單確認按鈕,完成訂購後您將會收到一封通知簡訊。 |
step4 傳照片給我們 |
請將拍下的照片傳到您所選擇的通訊APP中,務必附上您的姓名及電話號碼,方便我們查詢您的訂單,並完成訂購程序,完成時您將會收到一封通知簡訊,表示已訂購成功。 |
step5 到超商取貨並付款 |
當您的商品送達您指定的超商時,您將會收到一則到貨通知簡訊,請出示簡訊給店員,方便辦理取貨及結帳程序。 |
step5 到超商取貨並付款 |
當您的商品送達您指定的超商時,您將會收到一則到貨通知簡訊,請出示簡訊給店員,方便辦理取貨及結帳程序。 |
Guide of picking up from forward store
Pick up from forward store is a service which provide customers for picking up parcels in our local store |
step1: Complete the order |
When you are ordering, please choose pick up from forward local store, and must fill with your name and phone number. Please choose the place where you want to pick up the parcel, and CLICK BELOW CONFIRM YOUR ORDER, after confirmed you will receive a order confirmation message, please press URL on the message, it will connect to our website page and will be displayed as successfully ordered, after this action your parcel will be delivered. If the parcel have been delivered to the store, you will receive a notice message, then you may go to pick up your goods. |
step2: Transportation |
Taichung - First Square |
No.22, Guangfu Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400 |
step3: How to pick up and open hours |
Open hours Saturday/Sunday 10:00am ~ 19:00pm Picking up the parcel has time limit up to 15 days after the notification Please show the message notification or the cellphone number or the order number when you want to pick up We accept cash only |