Reduced price! FUJIFILM X-T5 Body 單機身

FUJIFILM X-T5 Body 單機身

New product

Normal Price:60500
Member Price:58000

The number of monthsNumber of periods
first term / Down paymentInstallmentTotal
2 months3177031770 x 1 month63540
3 months2168021680 x 2 months65040
4 months1664016640 x 3 months66560
5 Months1362013620 x 4 months68100
6 Months1160011600 x 5 Months69600
7 Months1016010160 x 6 Months71120
8 Months90809080 x 7 Months72640
9 Months82408240 x 8 Months74160
10 Months75707570 x 9 Months75700
11 Months70207020 x 10 Months77220
12 Months65606560 x 11 Months78720