Reduced price! 【IND】Yamaha Fazzio Hybrid

【IND】Yamaha Fazzio Hybrid

New product

Normal Price:56700
Member Price:53700

The number of monthsNumber of periods
first term / Down paymentInstallmentTotal
2 months2977029770 x 1 month59540
3 months2032020320 x 2 months60960
4 months1560015600 x 3 months62400
5 Months1276012760 x 4 months63800
6 Months1087010870 x 5 Months65220
7 Months95209520 x 6 Months66640
8 Months85108510 x 7 Months68080
9 Months77207720 x 8 Months69480
10 Months70907090 x 9 Months70900
11 Months65806580 x 10 Months72380
12 Months61506150 x 11 Months73800